Angeliques Family

Angeliques Family

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Granado Espada Edits

Granado Espada Skins

To install skin, copy all the downloaded files to granado espada/release/user/skin, remember to make a backup first.

Run GE's patcher, click options and make sure "use the user skin" box is ticked, save and launch.

Full Barracks ScreenShot

To take an elongated screen shot, do the following...
Open user.xml file in Granado Espada\release folder with Notepad.
Find the line , and double its width setting. For example, if your resolution is 1024 x 768, set width to 2048. You can leave height setting alone.
Save, and start the game client.
Login to the family quarters. You will not be able to see the entire quarter in-game, but no matter.
Press Print Screen key. Now, check your new screen shot in Granado Espada\release\screenshot folder.
If you cannot see the Logout or Exit Game button due to the extended width, you can always use Alt-Q hot-key to call up Quit Menu to close the client. After taking screen shots, remember to restore back to your original resolution to play the game.

Low-Requiment GE

Simply rename any or all of the following files in Granado Espada\ge folder to a different file name (e.g. rename bgm.ipf to bgm_backup.ipf).

animation.ipf ~ animation
bgm.ipf ~ background music
bg_texture.ipf ~ background texture
char_texture.ipf ~ character texture
item_texture.ipf ~ item texture
se.ipf ~ sound effects

ACSII Enabled Fonts

Simply download and uncompress font.rar with WinRAR, then copy font.ipf into Granado Espada\ge folder. Backup original file, if desired. The game client must be closed during this operation. Thanks to Brugal of Bach for this file!

Compiled from

Credits goes to Starstorm family from sGE.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Renegade™ lvl 52 Royalist Faction

Finally got tired of grinding and joined a faction.

Faction site

Faction Recruitment

The leader is GayI, vice seems to be GayII, most of the time they spend their time calling each other gay and trying to find out whos really gay. God knows why eminence is our enemy....

58/100 members currently

Granado Espada Official MTV - Fu Huo -复活: 林宇中&金莎

Granado Espada Cosplay

Post all pictures of Cosplayers here

Princesses of the new world

That is princess grabriella and she can spank me anytime !!! 8D (im gana get in trouble for that one, for the lulz !)
*Edit Ur definitely in trouble -Rixi ♥

Unfortunately, she is also an unplayable NPC so in order to satisfy the hoardes of pedobears playing GE, IMC has instead released her younger (i think) sister !!!!! princess valeria !

IMC claims shes totally legal but we all know the truth 8D~

Back to Granado Espada (sGE this time)

After a looooong period of trying to avoid playing MMOs, we have finally gave in to temptation and returned to GE, albeit the singapore version. reason? playing single player games on LAN was fun but lacks the human interraction and massive rush when a whole bunch of people pull off a really hard raid, nothing beats it, also theres plenty of opportunity to show off your leet gear to lowbies, whereelse its impossible to in single player games.

Why GE? GE allows you to level your characters in teams of up to 3 automatically, thus you can just set them up in a nice spot go off, watch tv, jack off or whatever and come back this allows you to focus more on the fun stuff of a MMO, aka raids and pvp! Of course, pvp isnt fun unless you win ! so its raids first pvp later. And there are TONs of raids to attend, the recent new patches in GE has changed raids focus from a "require 1000-man guild to take down" to a more puzzles and small team oriented system. Also, pvp wise, theres a ton of republican vs royalist event maps now, all hail the hawt loli princessss !!!!! 8D

Currently, me(enron) and angeliques are playing on rembrante server and rush leveling our vets to expert, and will probably hit expert approximately next week. Also we are getting ready for the end of the month faction vault sale.

GayII the cow lover

She eats dinosaurs !!!1 i gotta get a grandice T_T

Leveling at tetra FA...

More Leveling, this time at bahama AT

Even More Leveling, Ancient Skullic AT

Friday, June 18, 2010

Team Fortress 2

Publisher: Valve Software
Developer: Valve Software
Genre: Modern First-Person Shooter
Release Date: Oct 9, 2007
DirectX Version: v9.0c
Co-op Capability: Yes
C0-op Campaign: No
Online: Yes
LAN: Yes
VPN Used: Hamachi, Tunggle, Steam
Max number of Players: 32
Drop in/Drop out: Yes