Angeliques Family

Angeliques Family

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to Granado Espada (sGE this time)

After a looooong period of trying to avoid playing MMOs, we have finally gave in to temptation and returned to GE, albeit the singapore version. reason? playing single player games on LAN was fun but lacks the human interraction and massive rush when a whole bunch of people pull off a really hard raid, nothing beats it, also theres plenty of opportunity to show off your leet gear to lowbies, whereelse its impossible to in single player games.

Why GE? GE allows you to level your characters in teams of up to 3 automatically, thus you can just set them up in a nice spot go off, watch tv, jack off or whatever and come back this allows you to focus more on the fun stuff of a MMO, aka raids and pvp! Of course, pvp isnt fun unless you win ! so its raids first pvp later. And there are TONs of raids to attend, the recent new patches in GE has changed raids focus from a "require 1000-man guild to take down" to a more puzzles and small team oriented system. Also, pvp wise, theres a ton of republican vs royalist event maps now, all hail the hawt loli princessss !!!!! 8D

Currently, me(enron) and angeliques are playing on rembrante server and rush leveling our vets to expert, and will probably hit expert approximately next week. Also we are getting ready for the end of the month faction vault sale.

GayII the cow lover

She eats dinosaurs !!!1 i gotta get a grandice T_T

Leveling at tetra FA...

More Leveling, this time at bahama AT

Even More Leveling, Ancient Skullic AT

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