Angeliques Family

Angeliques Family

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Painkiller Resurrection

Publisher: DreamCatcher Interactive
Developer: Homegrown Games
Genre: Fantasy First-Person Shooter
Release Date: Oct 27, 2009
ESRB Descriptors: Violence
DirectX Version: v9.0c
Co-op Capability: Partial
C0-op Campaign: Partial
Online: Yes
LAN: Yes
VPN Used: Hamachi, Tunggle
Max number of Players: 16
Drop in/Drop out: Yes



Absolutely horrendous, monsters get stuck on pottery, railing, chairs, doors basically anything preventing it from running in a straight line towards you. Rage quitted somewhere in the second level after walking into a room full of mobs running on the spot for the hundredth time.

On the other hand, the design of the levels are simply amazing, soaring cathedrals and beautiful lighting make an awesome playground to slaughter the forces of hell.


Non-existant, getting the game to run in co-op mode means moving a whole bunch of files and starting a dedicated server in deathmatch mode. This basically means that when your buddies get bored of watching mobs get stuck on the scenery theyre going to turn on each other, much fun.


A duck shooting gallery from hell masquerading as a doom-like shooter, play the first painkiller if you're looking for a good game in this genre.

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